Two Upcoming Events

Ok, so the first of these Sydney bookish events is at the Mosman Library this Wednesday, 2nd November. Please come along for a laugh as we discuss various misadventures I’ve had in brothels, on British book tours, and in Bavaria… with Bavarians. And I’ll be signing books if anyone wants one.

And the second is a Meet the Author evening next week, 10th November, at Vaucluse Public School. This one will be four for the price of one, as I share the stage with wonderful authors Nikki Gemmell, Karina Machado, and Kerri Sackville.

Please click on either of these events for details, and if you’re coming to the one at Vaucluse Public School, Berkelouw Books are providing copies for us to sign. I’ll be getting my signed copy of Nikki’s latest for sure.

6 thoughts on “Two Upcoming Events”

  1. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your new book.
    I live in California but I was in Perth, of all places, last week and I spotted HNBF at a bookshop-cafe in the hamlet of Swanborne.
    Being from the states I was unfamiliar with your name but I have been to Munich many times so I couldn’t resist. In Munich I normally stay in the Maxvorstadt-Universität district so I am quite familiar with some of the locations that you mentioned.
    Helge Mortensen
    Oakland, CA, USA

  2. Hi Helge,
    Nice to hear from you and really glad you enjoyed my book. We love Maxvorstadt too. Munich, Perth, California… sounds like you have a big life!
    Best wishes to you,

  3. Hi Merridy
    just re-reading Ridiculous Expectations and enjoying it just as much, if not more, the second time (my copy is marked September 2006!). Been laughing so much, I really shouldn’t read this book in bed at night!

    Thought I’d check out what happened next… and am thrilled to see there’s a new book – off to the shops, hope to find it today.

    Best wishes, and thanks for your writing and fabulous sense of humour – and the hope that at 42, I should perhaps revive those expectations, ridiculous or not.

    1. Hope you find it, Jenny. I’m so glad Ridiculous Expectations made you laugh out loud in bed. I’m so proud of that book but I think it suffers from Middle Child Syndrome. Just because it hasn’t got any sex workers in it, and no one goes to live in Bavaria four months up the duff, people forget it’s there. So thank you for your kind words. 42 is an excellent age, Jenny. My mum always said the 40’s were the best years in a woman’s life, and I think she might be right. All the very best to you, and hope you enjoy How Now Brown Frau. x

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