Literary Lunch at Dymocks!

On February 28th I’m thrilled to be guest speaker for Dymocks Literary Luncheon at the elegant Four Seasons Hotel in Sydney. So grab a friend or friends and come enjoy a delicious meal while I tell you how it all began… from Playschool presenter to brothel receptionist, being flown to London for a book launch only to be introduced on live telly as a sex worker (how to lose two kilos without moving) to being romanced by a tall chap in Lederhosen and ending up (at forty-two) relocating to Bavaria, three months pregnant without knowing a word of German!

For all details, CLICK ON THIS.

Hope to see some of you there.


6 thoughts on “Literary Lunch at Dymocks!”

  1. Hi Merridy! Can you do an author’s event in Brisbane some time?? Pretty please?? I’d love to meet you – you wrote the book I’ve had in my head for years (how now brown Frau) !! I couldn’t stop laughing – although I cried too; I lived in Munich for 5 years as well before returning to Brisbane & could relate to your stories so well. I have also just returned from 3 weeks in Munich (incl 1 week in Reit Im Winkl which is just up the road from Marquartstein). I absolutely love Munich & get homesick for it (my mum is German), I soon remembered why I left after dealing with the rude cranky sales ladies in Karstadt!!! I’m surprised you didn’t cover ‘German sales service’ (the women 99% of the time) as a comic topic in your book – I think I could write a novel just on that 1 topic!

    1. Hi Melanie,
      Having lived in Rockhampton for seven years and Brisbane for one, I’d LOVE to do an author’s event up there. There must be a way… we just need a cunning plan… But how amazing to hear how similar our five year Munich experiences have been. We drove through Reit Im Winkl just a week ago when we were visiting friends and relatives for our end of year holiday. Sprichst du Deutsch, Melanie? Just wondering as you say your mum’s German.
      Although I didn’t have any bad experiences in Karstadt (despite using the toy department as a creche on freezing cold days when our son was a toddler) I certainly had other challenging encounters. But yes, I love Munich too and like you, feel incredibly blessed to have this very special connection.
      Hope to see you in Brisbane!
      Merridy. x

  2. Kathryn Mindt

    Hi Merridy,
    Thank you for writing such a lovely ‘laugh out loud’ book on your experiences in Germany! I too married a German and can relate to many of your experiences. I notice that your first book was translated into German…do you have plans to translate ‘How now brown frau’?? I would love to distribute it to my German relatives. In the mean time I have told all my Aussie friends and family…it’s such a wonderful read!!
    All the best, Kathryn

    1. Hi Kathryn,
      It’s always great to hear from a fellow Australian Frau, especially one who laughed out loud while reading my book. Thank you! ‘There’s a Bear in There’ was published by Random House in Germany (Goldmann Verlag) and is called ‘Nachtschicht’, but I’m still waiting to hear if ‘How Now Brown Frau’ will enjoy the same fate. I wish it would as, like you, I’d love our German friends to read it too. And hopefully laugh out loud. Or at least still speak to me!
      If it happens, I’ll let you know, versprochen!

  3. Merridy, have just finished reading how now, after having read there’s a bear and ridiculous expectations. I love your style of writing and cannot wait to read more from you. Keep it coming 🙂

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